Entering the Molecule Stage! / Analysis

By ArthurMaster945
03/09/2010 - 21:54:37

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -0.06 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The Chain reaction has finished. Particles clump together, and form you!
Win message:
You will now advance to Stage II of the Moleculer stage. Thanks for playing! Remember to comment with the codes for the molecules! Ex - Green Molecule = GMM. Pink = PnkMM. Blue = BMM....
Lose message:
You Died! Try again!
ACT 1 :   Welcome!
You were just created from a change reaction. Swim around, and find something edible, to start the evolution process.
ACT 2 :   What's that?
What is that large blob up there?
ACT 3 :   Pink Molecules?
2 Billion years. A new form of Molecules have appeared.
ACT 4 :   You are ready!
You have completed the first Stage of the molecule stage. Every single creation you find here will contribute to the next evolution. Place the first letter of their names, follow by "'MM"'!
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