Cohesion / Analysis

By GrouchyDwarf
03/07/2010 - 18:28:19

Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0.29 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Collect the colored marbles without touching the black ones.
Win message:
Challenge completed! I think you could do it faster though ;)
Lose message:
The best way to control your marble is by holding down the right mouse button while moving around with the "'a"', "'s"', "'d"', and "'w"' keys.
ACT 1 :   Level 1 - Cohesion
Collect the colored marbles but avoid contact with the black ones!-->"' Press space to make you, rainbow marbles, and your white marbles jump <>"'--
ACT 2 :   Level 2 - Up a Notch
Collect the colored marbles but avoid contact with the black ones!
ACT 3 :   Level 2 - Rainbow's Gold
Shoot the rainbow marbles through the rainbow hoop!-->"' Press space to make the rainbow marbles jump <>"'--
ACT 4 :   Level 3 - Multiballs
Collect the colored marbles but avoid contact with the black ones!-->"' Press space to make your white marbles jump <>"'--
ACT 5 :   Level 4 - Paint it Black
Use the mines to blow up the black marbles!
ACT 6 :   Level 5 - Defeation
Defeat the giant black marble, collect the purple marbles and shoot the rainbow marble through the rainbow hoop to complete the challenge!
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