Cohesion / Analysis
By GrouchyDwarf
03/07/2010 - 18:28:19
Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0.29 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Collect the colored marbles without touching the black ones.
Collect the colored marbles without touching the black ones.
Win message:
Challenge completed! I think you could do it faster though ;)
Challenge completed! I think you could do it faster though ;)
Lose message:
The best way to control your marble is by holding down the right mouse button while moving around with the "'a"', "'s"', "'d"', and "'w"' keys.
The best way to control your marble is by holding down the right mouse button while moving around with the "'a"', "'s"', "'d"', and "'w"' keys.
ACT 1 : Level 1 - Cohesion
Collect the colored marbles but avoid contact with the black ones!-->"' Press space to make you, rainbow marbles, and your white marbles jump <>"'--
Collect the colored marbles but avoid contact with the black ones!-->"' Press space to make you, rainbow marbles, and your white marbles jump <>"'--
ACT 2 : Level 2 - Up a Notch
Collect the colored marbles but avoid contact with the black ones!
Collect the colored marbles but avoid contact with the black ones!
ACT 3 : Level 2 - Rainbow's Gold
Shoot the rainbow marbles through the rainbow hoop!-->"' Press space to make the rainbow marbles jump <>"'--
Shoot the rainbow marbles through the rainbow hoop!-->"' Press space to make the rainbow marbles jump <>"'--
ACT 4 : Level 3 - Multiballs
Collect the colored marbles but avoid contact with the black ones!-->"' Press space to make your white marbles jump <>"'--
Collect the colored marbles but avoid contact with the black ones!-->"' Press space to make your white marbles jump <>"'--
ACT 5 : Level 4 - Paint it Black
Use the mines to blow up the black marbles!
Use the mines to blow up the black marbles!
ACT 6 : Level 5 - Defeation
Defeat the giant black marble, collect the purple marbles and shoot the rainbow marble through the rainbow hoop to complete the challenge!
Defeat the giant black marble, collect the purple marbles and shoot the rainbow marble through the rainbow hoop to complete the challenge!
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