Xenoplanet Porilespa / Analysis

By ShamanJoe
02/28/2010 - 17:45:40
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Yet another distress signal from the crew of Xenoplanets. No wonder. how could anyone live here? You couldent even land your ship. Let's go see whats troubleing Doc.
Yet another distress signal from the crew of Xenoplanets. No wonder. how could anyone live here? You couldent even land your ship. Let's go see whats troubleing Doc.
Win message:
Congradulations! You completed the show and it has been broadcast to your whole empire! Great work!
Congradulations! You completed the show and it has been broadcast to your whole empire! Great work!
Lose message:
Come on! You can do better than that. the future of television depends on it!
Come on! You can do better than that. the future of television depends on it!
ACT 1 : Arival
ACT 2 : Xenoplanet Porilespa
"'Ok first we need you to go to Doc Xennu so he can start the show. Then you need to look at some of the cool things on this island, like the plant and pot generator."'
"'Ok first we need you to go to Doc Xennu so he can start the show. Then you need to look at some of the cool things on this island, like the plant and pot generator."'
ACT 3 : Religion
"'Your doing great! Now speak to one of the elders on the island to talk about their religion, then take the teleporter and meet me in the city's Museum of Natural History."'
"'Your doing great! Now speak to one of the elders on the island to talk about their religion, then take the teleporter and meet me in the city's Museum of Natural History."'
ACT 4 : Evoulution
"'Now we need to explore the musuem and learn a little more about evoulution on this planet."'
"'Now we need to explore the musuem and learn a little more about evoulution on this planet."'
ACT 5 : End Game
"'Super. Meet me in the hall of creatures so we can wrap things up."'
"'Super. Meet me in the hall of creatures so we can wrap things up."'
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