Base Jumping / Analysis

By spottygecko
02/18/2010 - 17:51:22

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have just been dropped off by your private Helicopter onto your very own base jumping planet. Go and talk to the Drone to get a quick brefing.
Win message:
Congrats your not dead.
Lose message:
Better luck next time.P.S. Next time listen to the drones advice!
ACT 1 :   Brefing
Quickly get some advice from the Drone.
ACT 2 :   Get in Lift
Go in the door to the lift. (you may have to jump to get in the door)
ACT 3 :   Wait
Wait in the lift for a few seconds while the turbo lift takes you to the top of the sky Skraper
ACT 4 :   JUMP
Go to the highest point and jump off using the jump pad!
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