A Black Sphere / Analysis

By Legender
02/10/2010 - 05:25:39

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -0.01 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
This factory is the cause of this planets deterioration. Before you destroy it, figure out what it is doing and who is behind this mystery.
Win message:
That went well didn't it?
Lose message:
Keep trying.
ACT 1 :   Get your orders
Get your orders.
ACT 2 :   Security Corruption
Corrupt Security seytem and destroy Auto Workers and charge supply. Be carefull, those crates are explosive.
ACT 3 :   Security Abuse
Good, now take the guards blue key and eliminate the other charge supply, and make some use of you new allies.
ACT 4 :   The Sphere
Incomeing Transmition...
ACT 5 :   The Sphere
Now make your way twords the center of the structure and recive next orders there.
ACT 6 :   Destroy the mine
Shut down the macheine that is holding the black material, and destroy the direct controls and get to safty.
ACT 7 :   Finish it
Now get to saftey before those explode.
ACT 8 :   Run for your life
Now time do destroy the command tower. Set the place to self destruct and get back to the teleportation pad you started at.
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