Vulcanak planet part 3 / Analysis

By Zswordcat
02/07/2010 - 22:37:18

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1.25 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Sweet vacation on the Vulcanak planet
Win message:
Hey why are you dancing the vulcanak city is being attacked!!!!!
Lose message:
All your base are belong to us!
ACT 1 :   Vaction time
Sweet finnaly get a vacation but.. somehow my ship is broken...Darn!!
ACT 2 :   Hmm where to go now?
Wow a sign! it wasnt here before?
ACT 3 :   I think i should go there
Just follow the trail road
ACT 4 :   Getting the ruby
Head south and youll find ruby in smoke
ACT 5 :   Finding batteries
Go through the door of the hotel and see what the robot says. for finding the gem go around huge pillars
ACT 6 :   The key was upstairs!!!
ACT 7 :   Wow three blue keys
Whch one?
ACT 8 :   Oh nooo
A raid!
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