Stryker's Adventure-Cell Stage / Analysis

By LordOfRoosters
02/06/2010 - 21:45:24

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
After many years of travleing in a meteorite, you have crashed on a foreign planet and come out of the space rock with the rest of your species. Now you must grow...
Win message:
You've done it! You've aided Stryker on his journey to grow legs! The Oracle has granted you legs...use them well.
Lose message:
After dying, your cell was eaten. His spirit went into another cell just emerging from the meteor. Would you like to try again?
ACT 1 :   The Beginning
Minno 1:Ow! What was that? It really hurt my ears. Minno 2: Maybe it was that meteorite. Stryker: Raa! ...That's sort of how it played out.
ACT 2 :   Predatory Cells
Look out for those predatory cells--they're big and mean. And one is attacking your friends. Help save them and then eat 10 Minno to advance.
ACT 3 :   Stage Three
Nothing significant here. Eat 15 meat.
ACT 4 :   The Semifinal Level
You've been running around a while, haven't you? Well, you're almost done. Eat 30 Loobo and 30 Chomper. This should be easy...
ACT 5 :   The Finale
Finish your reign as king of the cells with a spectacular battle against a Bloato. Don't worry--you'll have help.
ACT 6 :   

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