Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to Space Slide! Try to get through both levels and win the trophy!
Welcome to Space Slide! Try to get through both levels and win the trophy!
Win message:
You did it! You won Space Slide and got a trophy.
You did it! You won Space Slide and got a trophy.
Lose message:
You lost. :(
You lost. :(
ACT 1 : Level 1
Welcome to Space slide! Try to get trough the first level.
Welcome to Space slide! Try to get trough the first level.
ACT 2 : Level 2
Now level 2. Be careful because this is more difficult level.
Now level 2. Be careful because this is more difficult level.
ACT 3 : Finish
You did it! Take your trophy.
You did it! Take your trophy.
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