The Problom of Loth Chapter 2 / Analysis

By ShamanJoe
02/04/2010 - 00:28:47

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
As you and Bar'Nal drop from the hole into the Old Kingdom, you see that you are not completely alone. cave Crawlers have taken over the city, and they don't look too happy.
Win message:
End of chapter 2. Story continues in chapter 3.
Lose message:
You have been defeated.
ACT 1 :   The Old Kingdom
Something is bothering Bar'nal. Perhaps you should speak with him.
ACT 2 :   Journey Through the Ruins
Continue on through the caves.
ACT 3 :   Journey Through the Ruins
Continue on through the caves.
ACT 4 :   Journey Through the Ruins
Continue on through the caves.
ACT 5 :   Journey Through the Ruins
Sin'Ora has agreed to help you on your journey, but he also mentioned a demon...
ACT 6 :   Finding the Exit
Look for an opening in the rocks.
ACT 7 :   Exiting the Old kingdom.
Speak with Bar'Nal and Sin'Ora before leaving. it looks like they have something on their mind.
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