Stryker's Adventure-Creature / Analysis

By LordOfRoosters
01/29/2010 - 23:05:50

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Stryker recently evolved. Now he is going out hunting, but Whersk has a bit of a warning for him...
Win message:
You bed down for the night as snow begins to fall. A surprise awaits you when you wake...
Lose message:
If you think you can give up and go play the next adventure, NO. Important stuff happens here.
ACT 1 :   Later...
Several uneventful weeks later, excluding the time when Stryker and the Pyrogex went back to the nest to find it occupied by hostile creatures... Stryker is also about to hunt.
ACT 2 :   Meeting Creston
As you head over to eat the dead Moose, a creature named Creston appears from seemingly nowhere. Who is he?
ACT 3 :   RUN!
The half-epic Borng is chasing you! Run the other way!
ACT 4 :   Breaking Storm
As you head back, the looming storm breaks. Nobody noticed the odd spaceship that spewed the fog and the sprayed it with something to dissipate it...
ACT 5 :   Acceptance
After a brief talk with Ferra, you all head back to the nest. The Pyrogex accept Creston as a friend, and a tragedy occurs...
ACT 6 :   Murder!
Stryker's mate has been murdered! And guess who did it?
ACT 7 :   Again...
He's escaped you once again. Meanwhile, there's a very unusual waterfall here...
ACT 8 :   Rest Before Rising
What was THAT all about? Either way, you need to rest. Go home. The world will be blanketed in snow tomorrow...
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