Wrestling arena / Analysis
By ArranDarren
01/24/2010 - 15:18:02
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
YOU ARE IN A WRESTLING MATCH!SWF(spore wrestling fedaration)Now get out there and fight!
YOU ARE IN A WRESTLING MATCH!SWF(spore wrestling fedaration)Now get out there and fight!
Win message:
Captain Everlast you mean Captain Neverlast!
Captain Everlast you mean Captain Neverlast!
Lose message:
You will never become the champion.
You will never become the champion.
ACT 1 :
You don't have to get the blue key. JUST FIGHT!
You don't have to get the blue key. JUST FIGHT!
ACT 2 :
Talk to the judge!
Talk to the judge!
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