Pokemon Battle Royale / Analysis

By e07015
01/22/2010 - 00:23:27

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Win message:
Good night, everyone...This isn't the end! Stay tuned, as Wilfre the Buneary and Chimchar the Chimchar Venture off to the haunted outskirts of the old chateau in Episode 2!
Lose message:
OH NOES!!! YOU DIED!!! Thats rather redundent, of course you know you died, how about another try?
ACT 1 :   Welcome!
Welcome to the first Pokemon theme park go and enter the Batle Stadeum!
ACT 2 :   The Showdown
It's the final showdown Blastoise vs. Drappion who will be victorys?
ACT 3 :   New Pokemon!
Unfortenley the trainer won your Blastoise! You will need new Pokemon!
ACT 4 :   Dialga!
Oh No Dialga defeat it quickly!
ACT 5 :   Shopping Spree
You will need some supllies because you are all out go talk yo the lady!
ACT 6 :   History
He I wonder how this place is so grassy hey a staue!
ACT 7 :   Grr...
Oh my you and your Charmelleon are quite hungry you should collect some fruit!
ACT 8 :   Groudon Rise!
Groudon an extremely rare Pokemno is atacking deafeat it before dissaster strickes!
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