Epic coliseum of Epics / Analysis

By lordoftofu
01/17/2010 - 02:00:42

Type: Template adventure
Rating: 0.17 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Get ready for the most thrilling,epic battle in spore... Here it is, the Epic arena of the Epics!!!!
Win message:
Wasn't it awesome????
Lose message:
here's a tip, whenever you're in a very deadly arena filled with very deadly monsters, you're NOT supposed to go near them.P.S. Watch out for the fire spouts.
ACT 1 :   introduction
announcer: welcome to the coliseum of the epics! Tonights fight shall be kicked off by our lucky guest!... some random fat guy!
ACT 2 :   fatality on the fattie
announcer:ooooooooooooh he dosen't look so good. Oh well too bad for him.
ACT 3 :   
Now... Let the brawl begin!!!!!!!!!!!!! we will be starting off with the insectoid brawl!
ACT 4 :   Kzylamaq the dominant
and the winner of the insectoid brawl is Kzylmaq! Now we have 3 nagonian swamp dogs vs Kzylmaq!
ACT 5 :   here comes the beast
now let's throw out the real fighters! the Bandos God vs 4 cave monsters!
ACT 6 :   
Next come the great Jad vs the Bandos god!
ACT 7 :   
Oh, what's this? It's Thorn! BUt can he handle the mighty wrath of...JAD!!!!!!!!
ACT 8 :   
and finally, all of our epics are coming together for the ultimate battle!!!!!!!
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