the Fangs of the Beast / Analysis

By JilutheFang
01/16/2010 - 19:22:49

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The thelepatical signal leads you into this village next to an very suspicious vulcano.
Win message:
You can call yourslef god of dentists from now!
Lose message:
Aww.. You couldn't make it!
ACT 1 :   What a loud place!
Let's have a look, who called me and why...
ACT 2 :   Ask Chneke
*gulp* So I am here to go inside this giants mouth?
ACT 3 :   Here we go!
Well, that Olgratchul would not be the first creature with epic dimensions I'm knocking out, if he want's to eat me!
ACT 4 :   
What is that? Carius?!
ACT 5 :   Oh noez! Carius!
What is that?!Bazilluses! They attack Olgratchul's teeth! I have to stop them doing so!
ACT 6 :   The shaman?!
What is he doing here?!
ACT 7 :   So,so?
Okay, I though the shamans magic would kill him, when he touches a god?
ACT 8 :   The End!
Olgratchul spited us out!
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