Tripolis / Analysis

By JilutheFang
01/16/2010 - 00:32:51

Type: Socialize adventure
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Tripolis is near an economy crash, because the three lords of Tripolis refuse to work with each other. That's why the Emperor of the Putuls ordered you there.
Win message:
Well done! The three lords of tripolis act like one gouverment again, and the city is saved from an economy crisis! The Emperor of the Putuls will be pleased!
ACT 1 :   Here I am...
I should talk to the three lords...
ACT 2 :   So much about the gouverment...
Maybe I should interview the normal inhabiants of Tripolis. They could show me, how to convince the lords to act together.
ACT 3 :   1. Gnogdull
I have an idea, how I could convince Gnogdull to coopertae with the other lords again!
ACT 4 :   Gnogdull done!
Gnogdull will pay Thovec's fees in fututre, I think. Time to bring back the costume and find out more about Awobias!
ACT 5 :   2. Awobias
I wonder if awobias would coopertae with Gnogdull, if his citypart was cleaner...
ACT 6 :   Awobias done
Awobias should be pleased now.I think I'll give the Dustlurper XE 400 to Gnogdull, so that he can clean his streets from now...
ACT 7 :   3.Thovec
The last problem in Tripolis are the loud machines...
ACT 8 :   The dance!
Seems like anything is okay now! :D
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