Charred Plains / Analysis

By Lau-Ja97
01/09/2010 - 05:49:56

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.19 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Time for some treasure huntin'! Yeehaw!
Win message:
Where's the treasure?! Wait. It's the knowledge that I did something good, right? I missed American Idol for this! When they said the treasure was beyond imagination, I thought-...crap...
Lose message:
Oh! That would you like a side of epic to that failure? OH!!! Do you need some ice for that burn! OHH!!!!!! I can do this ALL day!
ACT 1 :   The Startup
Looks like some enemies are blocking the way through that door. Attack!
ACT 2 :   The Wonder Door
It looks like that's a Wonder Door! They can teleport you to other places. Go ahead and test it out!
ACT 3 :   What Gives?!
There's no enemies! What's the catch...anyway, let's go get that treasure!
ACT 4 :   Mini-boss Battle
Looks like there's gonna be a battle for this treasure! Time to bring the hurt!
ACT 5 :   My Treasure!
ACT 6 :   My Treasure?
Oh, that's just great...
ACT 7 :   The Final Battle
Whenever you're ready, head through that door for the final battle against the boss!
ACT 8 :   My Precious!
No one stands between me and my treasure! Prepare for the beatdown!
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