moogle / Analysis

By art9999999999999
12/29/2009 - 23:12:47

Type: Template adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
you are moogle and its time to awaken the dragon of aran
Win message:
you can now go to rome the universe with the gold of aran
Lose message:
it was your final mission
ACT 1 :   temple
you have traveled this planet for six months to find this temple. now its time to investigate
ACT 2 :   ninjas
ninjas are attacking!! act fast or you could be choped up
ACT 3 :   the dragon
the dragon of aran is here now speak to him
ACT 4 :   the traning
you must train with master mushi to defeat the dragon of aran
ACT 5 :   the final anoncment
speak with master mushi
ACT 6 :   battle
defeat him!!w
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