The lost city / Analysis

By Dablooey
12/27/2009 - 21:34:32

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.47 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to my first adventure. I'm a beginner so don't judge. You should try talking to the hermit down by the beach.
Win message:
You have found the lost city and defeated the shadow raiders.
Lose message:
Tsk tsk... the city shalt remain lost.
ACT 1 :   Speaking to the hermit

ACT 2 :   Collecting coins

ACT 3 :   Talk to the hermit.

ACT 4 :   Find and Speak
Find the three rocks, then do what the bush tells you.
ACT 5 :   Finding the lost city.
Find the lost city.
ACT 6 :   

ACT 7 :   

ACT 8 :   

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