Banjo-Kazooie at the festival / Analysis

By arajon
12/27/2009 - 02:04:21

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
What is this place? Where the heck are you? And where is Tooty? You'll find out soon
Win message:
That's enough. No more silly dreams! You better shouldn't have watch this horror movie last night. xD
Lose message:
You are defeated. The evil hag Gruntilda kidnapped Tooty now and drained her beauty. Now, Tooty is ugly and hates you and Kazooie just flew away.....Try again? :-)
ACT 1 :   What is happening
You find your self in a weird place and you don't know where you are. The only way to find out what happens here is to proceed.
ACT 2 :   AHHH
Oh no. You will burn in the lava! There is nothing you can do!
ACT 3 :   Gee
Wow, your really lucky. It's only a dream. But it looks like Tooty wants to tell you something.
ACT 4 :   Tooty is waiting for you outside
Of course you are going with Tooty to the festival. The perfect time to visit your old friend Mario.
ACT 5 :   OH MY GOD!
Mario is a werewolf? GET OUT OF HERE!
ACT 6 :   ???
What's going on here? Every body turned into a zombie, werewolf or into something else! Quick! Find Tooty!
Tootie turned into a giant zombie. But who is resbonsible for this?
ACT 8 :   .....
So....what now?
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