starcraft; what happen to earth / Analysis
By terrauten
12/23/2009 - 01:02:25
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
there is a destres call about a invation. you allso fouund unknow cearturs at the same places as the destres call.the UED sent you where sent to investigat.
there is a destres call about a invation. you allso fouund unknow cearturs at the same places as the destres call.the UED sent you where sent to investigat.
Win message:
the UED srvives and after finding a setll planet, you and your gests have a funeral for all the dead men and wemen that served the UED.
the UED srvives and after finding a setll planet, you and your gests have a funeral for all the dead men and wemen that served the UED.
Lose message:
the UED is gone and all the other coloines have gone whack. all the UED is, is a memory.
the UED is gone and all the other coloines have gone whack. all the UED is, is a memory.
ACT 1 : investigat.
you go to investigat the destres call and the unknow ceatear attack
you go to investigat the destres call and the unknow ceatear attack
ACT 2 : interagate
on your whey out you notes something sterang and it hadjim fraenk's signicer on it. time to find out what his planing.
on your whey out you notes something sterang and it hadjim fraenk's signicer on it. time to find out what his planing.
ACT 3 : ecsacp
jim fraenk said that the outpost we where at in next and the baes is under attack. you and the two commanders need to find away to get off this planet. but how..........
jim fraenk said that the outpost we where at in next and the baes is under attack. you and the two commanders need to find away to get off this planet. but how..........
ACT 4 : leav.
it's time to leave the planet and.... hey that's a space ship that we can eascap the planet on. uop, got to ask the ladyes that own the ship to brow it.
it's time to leave the planet and.... hey that's a space ship that we can eascap the planet on. uop, got to ask the ladyes that own the ship to brow it.
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