Basic info
Intro message:
Hope you have fun exploring Myst, for those unfamiliar with the game of Myst the text might not make much sence but you should still enjoy it and I reccomend trying the real game.
Hope you have fun exploring Myst, for those unfamiliar with the game of Myst the text might not make much sence but you should still enjoy it and I reccomend trying the real game.
Win message:
Hope you enjoyed my recreation Myst. (Special thanks to Mystfan, Gamemitch, Ginna_Ichijou, Andeavor, and Biologist28)
Hope you enjoyed my recreation Myst. (Special thanks to Mystfan, Gamemitch, Ginna_Ichijou, Andeavor, and Biologist28)
ACT 1 :
ACT 2 :
ACT 3 :
ACT 4 :
ACT 5 :
ACT 6 :
ACT 7 :
Explore as much as you want, quit when you are ready to leave.
Explore as much as you want, quit when you are ready to leave.
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