Clark and Stanley Go Sledding / Analysis

By Furby98
12/15/2009 - 15:37:28

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Those idiots Clark and Stanley are showing off again. Go see what they want this time...
Win message:
Talk about being cold-hearted! Those guys DIED!! Why are you so happy all of a sudden? Jerk....
Lose message:
Clark and Stanley have a 'Doofus Radius'. If you're in the vicinity of those two doofuses, you die. Plain as that!
ACT 1 :   Cold
Why have Clark and Stanley dragged you out here to this ski resort? It's freezing!
ACT 2 :   Downhill
Stanley doesn't look like he knows how to steer that thing. This won't end well...
ACT 3 :   Crash
Man, those are two dumb bunnies...
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