The Prison / Analysis

By zoran55
12/12/2009 - 02:57:01

Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Win message:
You've survived the horrible Dest challenges and you make it out alive, congradulations those Dest don't know who they're dealing with!
Lose message:
Well... looks like the Dests wish came true they've killed you and you found no way to escape, better luck next time.
ACT 1 :   The Prison
You found yourself in a prison talk to the warden and try and find a way to escape.
ACT 2 :   Through the teleporter
A key was teleported to you to go to your first chalange, unlock the gate and head through the teleporter
ACT 3 :   The Paths
Head throug the a teleporter and hope for the best, good luck captain. And head through the tunnel.
ACT 4 :   Break Out!!!
A team has come to break you out, kill some dest and get to the APC!
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