Good vs Evil / Analysis

By fox1014
12/03/2009 - 22:33:41

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Tensions grow bettween two cities...........
Win message:
You saved us all!
Lose message:
You killed us all!
ACT 1 :   The good city
Walk around the good city
ACT 2 :   The evil city
Walk around the evil city
ACT 3 :   What's that?
As you start to walk away and report to the good king you notice a white door and wonder were it can lead
ACT 4 :   Assembly
It looks like the evil city was lying (duh) and you see a huge camp of armed soldiers saying only one night till they conquer the good city
ACT 5 :   Da King
Tell the king about the stuff
ACT 6 :   Soldiers
Take your soldiers to the camp and kill the bad guys. And their leader and free your men from the box
ACT 7 :   Almost won
You've severly weakened the enemy now just destroy a few remaining stragglers
ACT 8 :   Victory!
You beat the evil city! Now talk to their king
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