Trouble in the RSBC / Analysis

By AaronMk
11/18/2009 - 22:01:42
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Weclome adventurer to the system Invisn-3. Home to the planet RSBC. You've been invitied to join some group here. Infact, they're the only sentient life here. Or atleast, have a settlement.
Weclome adventurer to the system Invisn-3. Home to the planet RSBC. You've been invitied to join some group here. Infact, they're the only sentient life here. Or atleast, have a settlement.
Win message:
"'Lolwut Bubblehut?"'-Rusteh
"'Lolwut Bubblehut?"'-Rusteh
Lose message:
"'I can summerise you as being an [effin'] moron."'- Doug
"'I can summerise you as being an [effin'] moron."'- Doug
ACT 1 : Good Day New Guy
You've recieved a strange message by some fine and strange named chap "'The Taunter"'. He's invited you to some little club called the "'RSBC"'.
You've recieved a strange message by some fine and strange named chap "'The Taunter"'. He's invited you to some little club called the "'RSBC"'.
ACT 2 : Introductions all around!
Oh boy, here comes trouble. Might as well make yourself known.
Oh boy, here comes trouble. Might as well make yourself known.
ACT 3 : How about dem Metz?
Well it looks like everyone's going somewhere. Follow the group and hang out, see what this place is about.
Well it looks like everyone's going somewhere. Follow the group and hang out, see what this place is about.
ACT 4 : "'Genzen has a Nipple"' -Poller
Alright, time to see Genzen. Go see if Joppi will let you go see him.
Alright, time to see Genzen. Go see if Joppi will let you go see him.
ACT 5 : Is that... Doug?
Wait, who's that?
Wait, who's that?
ACT 6 : "'You're a moron."' -Doug
Now to confront Doug and save Capt!
Now to confront Doug and save Capt!
ACT 7 : "'You're a moron."' -Doug
Confronting Doug...
Confronting Doug...
ACT 8 : wat
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