Trouble in the RSBC / Analysis

By AaronMk
11/18/2009 - 22:01:42

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Weclome adventurer to the system Invisn-3. Home to the planet RSBC. You've been invitied to join some group here. Infact, they're the only sentient life here. Or atleast, have a settlement.
Win message:
"'Lolwut Bubblehut?"'-Rusteh
Lose message:
"'I can summerise you as being an [effin'] moron."'- Doug
ACT 1 :   Good Day New Guy
You've recieved a strange message by some fine and strange named chap "'The Taunter"'. He's invited you to some little club called the "'RSBC"'.
ACT 2 :   Introductions all around!
Oh boy, here comes trouble. Might as well make yourself known.
ACT 3 :   How about dem Metz?
Well it looks like everyone's going somewhere. Follow the group and hang out, see what this place is about.
ACT 4 :   "'Genzen has a Nipple"' -Poller
Alright, time to see Genzen. Go see if Joppi will let you go see him.
ACT 5 :   Is that... Doug?
Wait, who's that?
ACT 6 :   "'You're a moron."' -Doug
Now to confront Doug and save Capt!
ACT 7 :   "'You're a moron."' -Doug
Confronting Doug...
ACT 8 :   wat

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