8-Bit World / Analysis

By GreenRacers
11/16/2009 - 21:34:37

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome! Your goal is to move through each obstacle and get to the finish. At the top left corner, there will be intstructions on what to do. Good luck!
Win message:
You've won! But sorry kid; you never registered to get the $100,000,000 prize.
Lose message:
Sorry, kid. You died. Try it again if you really want to.
ACT 1 :   Welcome!
Enter the hole near you to get launched out of a cannon!
ACT 2 :   Hit the Target
Hit the large target right in the middle. You'll loose if you take too long or miss.
ACT 3 :   Spaz Boxes!
It's a field of Spaz Boxes! They move and spin so quickly that getting hit by one would kill you. Make your way through the field to the opposite corner.
ACT 4 :   The Gauntlet!
You're now right in the middle of a battle between some spaceships. Run through the bridge quickly and hope you don't get hit.
ACT 5 :   Get In
There's a small boat ready in the water. Get behind it and follow it. You have twenty seconds.
ACT 6 :   Follow the Boat
Follow the boat to a small island. Once there, enter the elevator and talk to whoever is there.
ACT 7 :   Defeat the Wizard
He's blocked the way out. You have to defeat him to get through.
ACT 8 :   You Win!
Step on the pad and take your prize!
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