Surprise with Doktor Karrowski / Analysis
By legogunnar
11/12/2009 - 14:11:00
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Win message:
Congratulations! You have won this adventure with Dr. Karrawovski, but there's still more to come!
Congratulations! You have won this adventure with Dr. Karrawovski, but there's still more to come!
Lose message:
Sorry you lost. Try again, this time you are better prepared
Sorry you lost. Try again, this time you are better prepared
ACT 1 :
ACT 2 : Look at the creature!
ACT 3 :
Talk to the doktor and then jump down of the outpost.
Talk to the doktor and then jump down of the outpost.
ACT 4 :
Talk to the Doktor he will give you instructions
Talk to the Doktor he will give you instructions
ACT 5 :
It is it! The Aurora Dog. Watch Out! Some Wolves have come and they don't seem to Friendly!
It is it! The Aurora Dog. Watch Out! Some Wolves have come and they don't seem to Friendly!
ACT 6 :
The Doktor wishes to thank you
The Doktor wishes to thank you
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