Exploration of Dracus / Analysis

By Jetavian
11/08/2009 - 03:56:00
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Your ship has crash landed on the planet Dracus. There are several native tribes on the planet that can help you.
Your ship has crash landed on the planet Dracus. There are several native tribes on the planet that can help you.
Win message:
Congradulations, you managed to survive and you got all the parts to fix your ship! It will take a while before you are back in space, but at least you're alive.
Congradulations, you managed to survive and you got all the parts to fix your ship! It will take a while before you are back in space, but at least you're alive.
Lose message:
Oh my, looks like you'll be here for a longer time than originaly thought.
Oh my, looks like you'll be here for a longer time than originaly thought.
ACT 1 : Draco sapiens
Head south towards the polar ice cap to find the Draco sapien village, they may be able to help you out.
Head south towards the polar ice cap to find the Draco sapien village, they may be able to help you out.
ACT 2 : Snapiok sapiens
This is great! There should be another vilage near this one, probably along the shore. They could help you out too.
This is great! There should be another vilage near this one, probably along the shore. They could help you out too.
ACT 3 : Avium sapiens
Excelent, now head across the southern ice cap and look for the next tribe, they should be the most advanced.
Excelent, now head across the southern ice cap and look for the next tribe, they should be the most advanced.
ACT 4 : Vulopium sapiens
Only a few more parts left. There is another tribe north of this one, it is pretty well hidden in a forest, so they might be able to help you.
Only a few more parts left. There is another tribe north of this one, it is pretty well hidden in a forest, so they might be able to help you.
ACT 5 : Tasmik sapiens
Only one more piece left of the ship, the generator. It is located on an island somewhere in the ocean, good luck finding it.
Only one more piece left of the ship, the generator. It is located on an island somewhere in the ocean, good luck finding it.
ACT 6 : The final piece
This is it, you can finaly get your final piece and return home.
This is it, you can finaly get your final piece and return home.
ACT 7 : Mission complete
You've done it! Now you can relax and explore the wonderful planet of Dracus. Once you're done, simply return to your ship on the other side of the ocean.
You've done it! Now you can relax and explore the wonderful planet of Dracus. Once you're done, simply return to your ship on the other side of the ocean.
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