Galactic Battleground / Analysis

By onebaddude
10/28/2009 - 20:02:00

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.28 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have just woken up to find yourself in some strange building, what's going on?
Win message:
Well what do you know, your so good you got a prize and made a TV show more popular, your famous now. Now go rest, or do some more adventures, whatever you like.
Lose message:
You've been killed in battle, it's hard to take, but you should be able to get back up to your feet in no time and win!!!
ACT 1 :   What's Going On?
It seems you've found youself here for some reason, better talk to that official looking guy.
ACT 2 :   Should be Easy
Break a door? Simple, your weapons are more than a match for it. And then wait for the big guy to finish the speach, might as well listen.
ACT 3 :   Warrior Arena?
Galactic Battleground? Is that some wrestling show? It seems your fighting things to the death, this should at least be a little fun.
ACT 4 :   Killing the Next One
That was easy, but it seems something else is coming after you, must be your next opponent, time to fight.
ACT 5 :   Getting Smarter
The Klarl? Wasn't that empire destroyed years ago? They've been reduced to savages...This should be fun.
ACT 6 :   One More to Go
This looks like your last opponent, good, this fighting is getting boring.
ACT 7 :   Not the End
Woah!! A wall just blew up, revealing a giant dragon!!! This must be your last opponent, show him whos boss!!!
ACT 8 :   Getting out of Here
Well, you've defeated the dragon, looks like the host is coming towards you, you should talk to him.
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