super weapon / Analysis
By killikslayer
10/11/2009 - 17:45:10
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -0.71 (Not rated)
Basic info
Win message:
You did you're duty now the universe is safe once more, or is it? To be continued...
You did you're duty now the universe is safe once more, or is it? To be continued...
Lose message:
Due to you're failure the cannon becomes operational and destroys several nearby systems. Luckly, you find a time machine and can try again.
Due to you're failure the cannon becomes operational and destroys several nearby systems. Luckly, you find a time machine and can try again.
ACT 1 :
ACT 2 :
ACT 3 :
ACT 4 :
ACT 5 :
ACT 6 :
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