Corroding Secrects / Analysis

By Fingawing
10/11/2009 - 13:38:03

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Hello! Welcome to the Corroding Valleys! This was the home of many dragons, but sadly, they all moved out. However, the EDRT are opening the valleys and more dragons are settling in.
Win message:
Congratulations! On your next visit, to the valleys, the EDRT will have opened up some more of the valleys.
Lose message:
Well, if you quit now, you'll never know the secret.
ACT 1 :   New Dragons
Talk to the new dragons (pt. 1)
ACT 2 :   New Dragons
Talk to the new dragons (pt. 2)
ACT 3 :   Another Helping Hand
The Guardian Dragon mentioned he was looking for keys. Why don't you try and find one? (NOTE: THESE 2 ACTS MAY BE A BIT HARDER IF YOU HAVEN'T FOUND CORAL CLIFFS)
ACT 4 :   Another Helping Hand (pt.2)
Find the other key!
ACT 5 :   Put Things As They Should
You cannot pass without the brass, the platinum's gone for good. Find them both for mercy's sake and put things as they should. The ultimate healing power. Something in the valley has changed.
ACT 6 :   The EDRT
Exactly what is going on?
ACT 7 :   Veins of Darkness
Hey... look at that...
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