Welcome to fight my critters / Analysis

By BruceTheEvilTwin
10/08/2009 - 01:38:18

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to fight my creations, if you don't like fighting my critters-- then make your own adventure called Welcome to fight my creations- using your creations!
Win message:
Woa you did it!
Lose message:
I promise-- I did go through this with one of my captians
ACT 1 :   It begins
Look to the signs for what type of fighter they are
ACT 2 :   
The first three were the easy ones...
ACT 3 :   
Now for the harder ones-- can you out last?
ACT 4 :   
Congrats! Drakko, Vee, and dragon Frm2 raised captians while the others were built for other things
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