BW - Planet Lost / Analysis

By DaniAngione
10/07/2009 - 17:46:38

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.2 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You received a weird transmission in the emergency channel. Someone down here needs help, someone near...
Win message:
They lost their homeplanet but at least they aren't exctinct. The Balance War rages around the universe and there are lots of species in need of help. Thank you very much for playing!!
Lose message:
You failed to help and now the Ghalin are extinct. Thank you very much for playing and keep trying! - Tip: In Act I the fisherman village elder is behind a house. Use gates numbers!!!
ACT 1 :   Dark Arrival
You arrived on a dark day... Something is wrong! Gather more information on what's happening to this planet.
ACT 2 :   Abandon
This planet is lost... The Trarrask are winning!Report back to the capital and escape from this planet.
ACT 3 :   Homeland Destruction
You need to flee and survive. Escort the Ghalin Caravan to the Paladin's Camp and leave this planet. Be careful on your way!
ACT 4 :   Ambush!
You are being ambushed! Seems like the Trarrask wants to exterminate the entire species! Defend the caravan!
ACT 5 :   Survival
You survived the ambush but the war is getting a little too close! Leave this place RIGHT NOW and head for the Paladin's Camp!
ACT 6 :   The Last Stand
Hold the base until everyone is evacuated. There is just a few of you and an army of them! Be brave! And good luck.
ACT 7 :   Broken Arrow!
The Paladin called a squad named 'Zacharan'. It will use mass destruction weapons to at least take some of the Trarrask with them. You should escape now!
ACT 8 :   Planet Lost
The Purificator destroyed everything. This planet is lost and the Trarrask won for today... However, someday the reconquer battle will occur...
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