Forest Trek (part 2)V3 / Analysis

By zilvox
10/03/2009 - 18:01:11

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to part 2 of the Forest Trek adventures
Win message:
To be continued... on some date of some calendar.
Lose message:
The story continues, but not for you.
ACT 1 :   Back to the future
Did you hear corectly? Time travel? Thats way better pay than you could ever have hoped for, you just hit the quest jackpot. Unless of course this professor is just senile.
ACT 2 :   The lake village
Try asking around the village about this "'holy"' place the professor mentioned.
ACT 3 :   The alter of water
See if this holy alter is really a time rift.
ACT 4 :   Dance of the wind
Maybe its time to check another town, dont forget to bring the tablet you found at the alter, it might be useful.
ACT 5 :   Aftermath
Try to find a way off this place, you don't want to run into another of those monsters!
ACT 6 :   Sleep to awaken.
Head to the next village, its your best bet.
ACT 7 :   In to the mist
Head into the misty ruins, deep as you can go.
ACT 8 :   Ruins
Only a little longer!
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