Rock Cannon Idea / Analysis
By BruceTheEvilTwin
09/30/2009 - 04:32:14
Type: Template adventure
Rating: 0.32 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Yay boom boom and rocks!
Yay boom boom and rocks!
Win message:
Woo you shot rocks everywere
Woo you shot rocks everywere
Lose message:
How did you pull that off?
How did you pull that off?
ACT 1 : Woo Cannonz!
*note* You have all the health in the world, dont worry about getting hurt
*note* You have all the health in the world, dont worry about getting hurt
ACT 2 : Woa!!
When your done just leave the mission to get points
When your done just leave the mission to get points
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