Sporiana Jones / Analysis

By Mensoter
09/19/2009 - 14:45:29

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
This a Search for the treasure!
Win message:
Yeah, im rich, im rich!
Lose message:
Whoops, next time better!
ACT 1 :   Oh No!
Im just heer, and im atacked by a lion, no 2 lions!
ACT 2 :   Heal and Walk
Im gonna use these berrys to heal
ACT 3 :   Seurch for teh key
i know this to help you You go to the south when you see the beach then you go to east and them walk walk walk!
ACT 4 :   No, Zombies
Oh no, there ar 10 zombies, i need to kill them!
ACT 5 :   Oh no, not again!
Oh no, a zombie of a size from 50 feet, i need to kill ite to!
ACT 6 :   Yeah1

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