Rebel Strike V2 / Analysis

By Silokno
09/05/2009 - 21:56:38

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You are a top of the line Mercany Commando hired by the Rebellion to take down several Imperial Targets. You will receive a transmission on your mission once you land...
Win message:
Congratulations! You successfully aided the Rebellion in Liberating this planet!
Lose message:
Don't worry the Rebellion will have your DNA sent to a cloning station so you will be revived. Just try not to die again.
ACT 1 :   The Mission Begins
Your first task is to assault the Imperial Base. Take down the walls first we shall give you more instructions once done.
ACT 2 :   Finishing the Base
Take down their primary military base destroy all of the buildings and kill the stormtroopers that are there.
ACT 3 :   Hunt the Garrisons
Good, your next assignment is to hunt down the Imperial Military Camp's garrisons. I will send you the coordiantes to Omega Base first.
ACT 4 :   Alpha Strike
Here are the coordinates to the Alpha Base. Kill the Stormtroopers but leave the base we may have use of it in the future.
ACT 5 :   The Last Base
Here are the coordinates to Gamma Base. Do the same as what you did with Alpha Base. Kill the Stormtroopers, leave the base.
ACT 6 :   Pick-up Package
You recieve a transmission telling you to go to the downed Lambda Shuttle to take the Imperial Weapon Cache.
ACT 7 :   Final Delivery
Deleive the Weapon Cache to Field Commander Jurma'ak. He will also tell you how to sign out and recieve your payment.
ACT 8 :   Mission Complete
Well done! Use the Terminal to receive your payment and leave.
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