KQ3 - Wizardly Escape (Fixed) / Analysis

By Truenight
09/04/2009 - 16:09:47

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: -0.83 (Not rated)

Basic info
ACT 1 :   Captured!!
Oh no!! The work order was a trap! The evil Wizard Manannan has lured you to his planet and, under pain of death, forced you to work for him! Better do your chores, lest he kill you!
ACT 2 :   After working all day
Now that you've completed your chores, you better go talk to Manannan. He's pretty uppity abot things and seems like he's got an itchy trigger finger...
ACT 3 :   Figuring a way out
Manannan's gone! I better find something to get me outta here fast! He has a teleporter in ihs study, I wonder where it goes?
ACT 4 :   Ready Bake oven
Just gotta get the fur and then we wait for that blasted wizard to get hungry when he comes back!
ACT 5 :   Manannan's back
Time to head up to the house, he'll be back soon. When he gets hungry I'll feed him this bowl of porridge and get him good!
ACT 6 :   Manannan the cat!
You did it! He's a cat, now and forever! Wizards can't do magic as cats! Now to get off this island, maybe a ship at town?
ACT 7 :   Home sweet...home?!
You arrive back home, only to find your land blasted and destroyed. in the distance you hear a battle at the gates...
ACT 8 :   Revenge is Sweet
That 3 headed dragon destroyed your lands! YOUR lands! Doesn't it feel good to kill it?
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