Castle Chapter 1a / Analysis

By Stickman376
09/03/2009 - 20:59:38

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
It's time to find the civilian and get him out of here!
Win message:
Oh God...
Lose message:
Now you'll never know the rest of the story, unless you want to retry...
ACT 1 :   Back on the Job
You've got work to do! Get some info on what's going on now.
ACT 2 :   To Work!
You heard what he said, no weapons! That goes for the crab, too.
ACT 3 :   ?
Hey, where'd that one guy go? Oh well, moving on!
ACT 4 :   ???
Now the others are gone! This is getting a little weird now...
ACT 5 :   Hey, What's That?
It looks like a tablet of some sort...
ACT 6 :   OK, This is Just Stupid!
Great, either the EOD's died, spooked, or are trying to pull some idiotic prank. Since guys like that wouldn't freak out about any dark cave, and I doubt they died, they must be askin' for it.
ACT 7 :   !!!
Look out!!!
ACT 8 :   Run For It!
You're not equipped to fight these kinds of enemies! Get the heck out of here!
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