The Summoning Pt 1 / Analysis

By Stickman376
09/01/2009 - 22:26:44

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
It's time to get to the bottom of this! The Archlocust are planning something and we've got to find out what!
Win message:
So it seems that you've foiled the Priest's plan to ressurect U'nnrama K'dgod, but he still got away. Oh well, stay tuned for the next episode to find out what happens next!
Lose message:
Hooray! The galaxy's screwed. Congrats! You died. Well, at least you won't have to pay for retirement, right?
ACT 1 :   The Spy
Meet the Spy at the trainstation.
ACT 2 :   On My Way!
It's time to get started for some detective-work. Go through the hall and find out what's REALLY going on!
ACT 3 :   Get A Move On!
The tension is rising... That must mean the Summoning is about to start! Hurry before the doors close!
ACT 4 :   The Summoning
You made it just in time! Now make it to the front to get a better view.
ACT 5 :   He's Gone!
Darn! The Priest got away! And now it looks like your odds are 1 to...
ACT 6 :   The Calvary Has Arived!
Gasp! Looks like your freinds arived right on time! Now it's time to get the HECK out of here!
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