Explorers of Space 1 / Analysis

By TotodileMaster
08/31/2009 - 21:00:12

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Ugh... A storm brewed... Its no good... Blacking out...
Win message:
After you and Bulbasaur have worked on it, the square got a little more lively... In fact, three intimidating, but nice, Poke'mon came to visit... Stay tuned for Chapter 2!
Lose message:
Game Over! Start again, see how you do.
ACT 1 :   I'm Awake...
Huh... How did I get here? Urgh... I got to get to a place warmer than this...
ACT 2 :   Rest for a Little Bit.
I'll rest for a bit... (Note: You only rest for 00:30. Its not long.)
ACT 3 :   Huh? I hear footsteps.
You hear footsteps in the direction of the beach. Check it out!
ACT 4 :   Journey to the Square

ACT 5 :   Poke'mon Square
You made it to the square.
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