Charlie the Unicorn 1 / Analysis

By Pyjamaman
08/30/2009 - 09:29:20

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.21 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Charlie's first adventure to Candy Mountain
Win message:
What, WHAT! Oh look at that. They stole my frekin kidney!
Lose message:
Wow. You somehow managed to phail the worlds easiest adventure
ACT 1 :   Oh no. It's them again
I wonder what those dim whits are up to now?
ACT 2 :   Talk to the Leoplurodon
Our first stop is over there Charlie. I'ts the Leoplurodon, a magical leoplurodon. I'ts gunna guide us to Candy Mountain
ACT 3 :   Cross the bridge
He's Spoken! He's showed us the way
ACT 4 :   Candy Mountain
We're here! What do you know, there actualy is a candy mountain. Candy Mountain, Candy Mountain! Fill me with sweet sugary goodness.
ACT 5 :   Candy Mountain song
one of those annoying songs in every episode
ACT 6 :   Enter the Candy Mountain Cave
Fine! I'll go into the frekin' cave already! This better be worth it.
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