the strange lost race / Analysis

By 123ee
08/29/2009 - 21:33:07

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.44 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
you are you transportation crew have crash landed in an uncharted area with many mysteries...
Win message:
Lose message:
the mysteries shall live...
ACT 1 :   the crash
your plane has crashed. make sure everyone is ok
ACT 2 :   the crash
your plane has crashed. make sure everyone is ok
ACT 3 :   the finding
you have found yourself in a maze. Get out!
ACT 4 :   the maze and lost city
you get out of the maze and find a strange lost city...
ACT 5 :   the lost race
a lost race lives on the outskirts of the city but they are terribly hungry.
ACT 6 :   infinante platter
the infinante platter has all the food in the world and the lost race demands it. but you must defeat the guardians first...
ACT 7 :   the return
take the platter back to the lost race.
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