Crazy Penguins Ice Cream / Analysis

By monkeymadman007
08/25/2009 - 23:52:14

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You work at crazy penguins ice cream, this is a normal say for you.... until...
Win message:
You won and became the boss! Good job!
Lose message:
Oh no, you got fired! Years later, when crazy penguin died you got hired again by the new boss, let's fast forward...
ACT 1 :   Do the walk and talk the talk
Talk to some people here
ACT 2 :   Get the sundaes
Let the customer's have there sundaes
ACT 3 :   Crazy Penguin
Talk to crazy penguin!
ACT 4 :   The coin
Get the coin from the pit of death. Why's it called that?
ACT 5 :   Return
Return to crazy penguin
ACT 6 :   Kill!
Kill crazy penguin!
ACT 7 :   Victory!
Return to your manager, and take that coin it mught be valuable!
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