Crazy Penguins Ice Cream / Analysis

By monkeymadman007
08/25/2009 - 23:52:14
Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You work at crazy penguins ice cream, this is a normal say for you.... until...
You work at crazy penguins ice cream, this is a normal say for you.... until...
Win message:
You won and became the boss! Good job!
You won and became the boss! Good job!
Lose message:
Oh no, you got fired! Years later, when crazy penguin died you got hired again by the new boss, let's fast forward...
Oh no, you got fired! Years later, when crazy penguin died you got hired again by the new boss, let's fast forward...
ACT 1 : Do the walk and talk the talk
Talk to some people here
Talk to some people here
ACT 2 : Get the sundaes
Let the customer's have there sundaes
Let the customer's have there sundaes
ACT 3 : Crazy Penguin
Talk to crazy penguin!
Talk to crazy penguin!
ACT 4 : The coin
Get the coin from the pit of death. Why's it called that?
Get the coin from the pit of death. Why's it called that?
ACT 5 : Return
Return to crazy penguin
Return to crazy penguin
ACT 6 : Kill!
Kill crazy penguin!
Kill crazy penguin!
ACT 7 : Victory!
Return to your manager, and take that coin it mught be valuable!
Return to your manager, and take that coin it mught be valuable!
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