Mr Death's war / Analysis
By ZillaVenom
08/24/2009 - 16:20:51
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.58 (Not rated)
Basic info
Win message:
YOu won the war!Get ready for your vacation! Adventure:Mr.Death Dead
YOu won the war!Get ready for your vacation! Adventure:Mr.Death Dead
Lose message:
You're a big fat loser!
You're a big fat loser!
ACT 1 :
Giant Mothership! Once you have the ammo, get inside of the black and red gated area,get the red key and teleport to the top of the ship! There is a weak gate at the front, or you can slip in.
Giant Mothership! Once you have the ammo, get inside of the black and red gated area,get the red key and teleport to the top of the ship! There is a weak gate at the front, or you can slip in.
ACT 2 :
Dont fall off the ship!
Dont fall off the ship!
ACT 3 :
Get into Mr.Death's home(Horror Tower)! I guess he doesn't know about invisible teleporters.
Get into Mr.Death's home(Horror Tower)! I guess he doesn't know about invisible teleporters.
ACT 4 :
ACT 5 : Air Attack
You need to clear the entrance in the mothership. Destroy the weak spot that holds many enemies. It is on the back and it is pointing up. Jump into the teleporter right beside of the bomb.
You need to clear the entrance in the mothership. Destroy the weak spot that holds many enemies. It is on the back and it is pointing up. Jump into the teleporter right beside of the bomb.
ACT 6 :
Get that white key and go into the telporter after listening to Die Trap.
Get that white key and go into the telporter after listening to Die Trap.
ACT 7 :
Destroy Mr.Death, the energy bot and the reactor. The mothership will explode! Its exploding! RUN!
Destroy Mr.Death, the energy bot and the reactor. The mothership will explode! Its exploding! RUN!
ACT 8 :
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