The Swalton Way / Analysis

By akatsuki445
08/22/2009 - 22:11:07

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
ACT 1 :   Welcome To The Capital!
Visit the Senic Swalton Capital and learn about the empire while your here.
ACT 2 :   

ACT 3 :   Imperial Info
Information on the Empire and it's government is next in the tour.
ACT 4 :   Battle Basics
What about the arena battles? Talk to the Champion to find out.
ACT 5 :   Congratulations?
You've been chosen. Whether thats good or bad is yet to be seen.
ACT 6 :   Basics
Well it looks like you cant back out, so time to fight I guess.
ACT 7 :   An Epic Batle
An Epic... This'll Be fun.
ACT 8 :   Are We Done?
Whoa! Didnt see that comin!
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