The Big Whale Hunt / Analysis

By Nolat885
08/21/2009 - 14:19:54

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Arrg, youve been scouring the seas fer weeks, lookin' fer that dasterdly whale that dun stole ye leg, all those years ago. Ye out of patience, but maybe the whale be near this time...
Win message:
Hmmm, that sure seems like a bigger limb than last time. Maybe this whale didn't take your foot after all...They should give you a Peabody award for this
Lose message:
Well call me Ishmael! That whale destroyed you, and your boat! Somehow, I think it was supposed to happen this way...
ACT 1 :   Find the Whale
Wait Patiently..
ACT 2 :   Thar She Blows!
Kill it and reclaim yer leg!
ACT 3 :   A Whale for a Leg
Thar be yer foot!
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