Time Share / Analysis

By monkeymadman007
08/20/2009 - 02:05:53

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -0.65 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
After talking with steve in the galactic core, you decide to see the presintation on the planet called earth.
Win message:
Several weeks later...Your'e having a great time on earth and have decided to permantell move in, great move!
Lose message:
Oh no, you missed the presintaion!I guess you won't get that timeshare!
ACT 1 :   Meet the people
Talk to the inhabitants of this planet that is set up for a time share
ACT 2 :   If you can't win...
Kill them!
ACT 3 :   Victory!
Now that there dealt with, go talk to steve's co-worker!
ACT 4 :   Run!
Get to your chair, before the presintation starts!
ACT 5 :   Problem
Talk to the projecter-man to see why the t.v isn'r working!
ACT 6 :   Fixed!
Your like friggin, bob the builder!
ACT 7 :   Kill, again!
Gee, doesn't this seem familliary, yah big bully! Don't let them destrou the t.V
ACT 8 :   Watch
Sit back, and watch the presintation.
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