The 3 Challenges / Analysis

By LukeTheAlmighty
08/15/2009 - 15:06:01

Type: Collect adventure
Rating: 0.27 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Prepare to face the first of the three challenges!
Win message:
You beat the 3 Challenges! ... Hooray!
Lose message:
The 3 Challenges have bested you, and you can never look in a mirror without showing a dissappointed look at yourself. Way to go.
ACT 1 :   Ice
Talk to the Frozen King to begin the first challenge.
ACT 2 :   Crystal Collect
Get all the crystals and make it to the end in time! Don't forget to talk to the Frozen King again!
ACT 3 :   Plant
You've beaten the first challenge! Now enter the forest and talk to the All-Knowing Plant when you're ready.
ACT 4 :   Flower Find
Search for the yellow flowers! If you see a Forestian, it probably means there's one close by, or somewhere down the path near them.
ACT 5 :   Flame
You've beaten the second challenge! Only one to go! Teleport to the volcano and talk to the Flame Shaman to begin the final trial.
ACT 6 :   Fire Fury
You have to do a lot! Find 3 keys to unlock doors, find 3 torches to collect, and defeat a dragon at the end! If your having trouble killing it, there may be a weapon in some red smoke.
ACT 7 :   The End
Now step into the fire...
ACT 8 :   You won!
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