Slickleg / Analysis

By zachd94
08/15/2009 - 01:32:24

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.15 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
A bit of advice, if you don't have the jump ability, try to stay out of the water. You can get stuck in some places.
Win message:
A true Ialic Hero I tell ya.
Lose message:
Failure is an icy death for you...
ACT 1 :   Stranded...
Finding information from survivors should be first priority, and hurry..they may be in danger.
ACT 2 :   Scraps that you throw away.
Find the key to the bunker so you can begin work on a device to get you out of here. You should start with some scrap metal.
ACT 3 :   The Plan..
Bring the metal back to the foreman to learn of your next task.
ACT 4 :   Tools of the Trade.
Gather the tools needed to work on the bomb..and club some seals.
ACT 5 :   The Next Step..
One last component needed...
ACT 6 :   Sink to the Core.
I've heard of a core somewhere deep beyond the base..
ACT 7 :   Success!
Just kick back and wait for the boom!
ACT 8 :   Freedom!
How sweet it is!
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